Wednesday, March 24, 2010


As a child and even into high school my nickname was "books". More likely than not, this was a reference to my extreme dorkiness but I like to think that this nickname stemmed not only from my love of school (hence the dorkiness) but also my true love of reading. I have loved reading and books my entire life. When I was young I memorized my favorite book The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear, and I would recite it out loud to my younger sister when she got cranky in the car. My love of books only continued to grow as I got older and when I was in junior high it got to the point where I literally couldn't put books down. I would read while I was eating breakfast in the morning and as soon as I finished my homework I would read some more. I will give some credit to my parents for my love of reading. We weren't allowed to watch much tv as kids so reading was my outlet. My love of reading has only grown as I have gotten older. I look forward to vacations each year so I can read multiple books in a week (my record is 5) and since I commute by train to work every day so I get my reading time in a little bit each day. I will admit that I have a slight problem when it comes to my reading obsession. I can't not finish a book. No matter how much I hate it or how boring it is, I have to finish it. This strange habit of mine can be very frustrating because it takes me that much longer to get through a book when I am hating every second of reading it. Luckily for me I just finished one of these books that I didn't like and now I get to move on to something new. Hopefully I will be able to post about it soon...


  1. So what's your favorite book?

  2. I absolutely understand your love of books. There's nothing like a good book to help you unwind after a tough day; make the dreaded, all too frequent business flight go a little faster; or to relax with on the beach in sunny Mexico. But, my question to true book lovers is....can an ebook really take the place of a physical book? Isn't part of the great pleasure of reading the actual page turning to see what will happen next..or finding that "dog eared" page marking the last page you read....I'm a moderate when it comes to gadgets...I got my iPhone about a year after they came out...but I'm on the fence with the ebook...are there ebook lovers out there who are convinced that it's more than a passing fad?

  3. I am with you - I think there is something to be said about not being able to turn the pages fast enough and the "dog eared" page markers. I even love having shelves of books around. I don't think I will even be on board with the ebook trend...
