Tuesday, March 23, 2010

that's what SHE said...

So as part of one of my classes this quarter, I have to start blogging. People that know me would say that I am not much of a talker and certainly not much of a writer so this is going to be a whole new world for me. I enjoy reading blogs and there are many that I stalk on a daily basis, but writing one of my own is definitely not something I ever thought I would do. When thinking about what to blog about, I decided my best bet was to leave it open. So that's where "that's what SHE said..." came from. This is going to be just a collection of my thoughts and opinions on anything and everything - books, movies, tv, food, weird things I see on the train - anything. I am definitely not of the opinion that my life is all that interesting or that anyone really cares about what I have to say, but here goes nothing...

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